6. Expression:
Do you ever feel like you’re about to burst open, yet you keep pushing all your emotions in deeper and deeper? Do you ever feel that everything might get better if you just let it out?
If you do, then here’s a list of things that might help you declutter :-

Keeping a Journal/Diary: The lockdown has been a rollercoaster ride for all of us and more often than not, all of us have wanted someone or something to pour our emotions out to. All you need is a pen, a notebook and a few minutes at the end of your day. You can jot down the things that happened to you, things that you wanted to say but couldn’t, things that moved you, things that upset you, and also the things that you are grateful for. Your journal can be a safe space for all your thoughts and emotions.
Writing Poetry: Since time immemorial, poetry has been a way of expressing innermost feelings and thoughts beautifully. You can weave your words amidst metaphors and rhymes, and say what you want to say, out loud. You can write it down in your journal or you can publish it on Instagram or Wattpad. Either way, write and express yourself. In Whitman’s words, go sound your “Barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world.”
Blogging: For you budding writers out there, blogging is a great way to do a variety of things from storytelling to writing movie reviews. It is one of the most popular ways of communicating with the world. You can start your own blog using sites like WordPress, Wix and Blogger. Blogging is a great way to earn money from the comfort of your couch.
7. Social Networking:

In the current era of technology, not a day goes by where most of us don’t check our phones on an hourly basis. During the lockdown, the only socialization we had was lying down in our beds and scrolling through social media. But there are multiple other productive ways to use social media and to truly start “Social Networking”.
We all have hobbies, why not share it with the rest of the world? Click a picture of your drawing, or take a video of you baking delicious cupcakes, or even use those filters and make a funny Instagram reel. Get a few likes and feel great about yourself. If that doesn’t work for you, social media is also a great way to meet new people from around the world. Meet people with similar interests, form friendships and even get yourself a pen pal, using sites like, Ablo, Slowly, and so on. The internet can be a great place to vent your problems and emotions, and you can do this using sites like 7 Cups and We Heal You. They are sites dedicated to improving your mental health. There are people who listen to you and to whom you can listen to, all while being anonymous. But all this must be done while keeping in mind that the Internet can be dangerous, if not used carefully. Do not post any sensitive material or any personal info. But other than that, #HaveFun !
I really have difficulty expressing myself in words, thanks for this post! Will try out the tips. 😊
Maintaining a journal or a diary really helps! It allows us to express our emotions and open up better, Also social media is a great way to engage and make new friends, look up for new hobbies and so much more. This blog is so nicely written yaar !
I often maintain a journal, it really helps me to keep a track of my feelings... Thanks for this...
I read all the three posts in the series. Thank you for the tips!